Pharma Focus Europe

Pharma Articles

Articles are written by renowned pharmaceutical company executives and other professionals from across the world on important topics relating to the business. The part of articles on the pharmaceutical industry focuses on current and developing concerns in fields such as pharmaceutical R&D, drug discovery, clinical trials, pharmaceutical production, biopharmaceuticals, and information technology.

Using Mass Spectrometry as Quality Control in Medicinal Cannabis

Cannabis plants contain a wide variety of complex compounds including phytocannabinoids terpenoids and flavonoids found mainly in the inflorescences Major phytocannabinoids like CBD and THC have beneficial effects on human health

Nanosizing: An Enthralling Strategy to Improve the Systemic Availability of Poorly Soluble Drugs

To enable the effective preclinical testing efficacy and safety evaluation followed by firstinman studies formulation scientists must come up with effective strategies to achieve the desired bioavailability of these poorly soluble compounds

Designing Early-stage Formulation Strategies for Anti-microbial Peptides (Amps): A Major Prerequisite for Combating Anti-microbial Resistance

At present the world is witnessing an exponential increase in antimicrobial resistance AMR making it important for us to search alternatives to antibiotics in order to combat multidrug resistant MDR bacterial infections According to a study drugresistant infections were responsible for million deat...

Clinical Trials: Failures and Challenges on the Path to Treating Alzheimer’s

Alzheimers disease AD is a neurodegenerative disorder with symptoms of memory loss and cognitive disability Typically it begins with mild symptoms that progress to become more severe AD is the th leading cause of death in the United States among people or older In million Americans suffered from...

Spleen Cytokines Against Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Over one hundred years ago at the University of Toronto Frederick Banting Charles Best and James Collip extracted protein insulin from the pancreas that saved the lives of millions of diabetics since then It is possible that the proteins extracted from the spleen can also help people with inflammato...

Plant-derived Edible Nanoparticles in Delivering Cancer Drugs: Fact or Fad?

Plantderived edible nanoparticles PDENPs are nanosizedvesicles obtained from edible plants such as grapefruit curcumin ginger broccoli and lemon They contain miRNAs bioactive lipids and proteins which play an important role in cell signaling regulation of plant immunity and transport of bioactive mo...

Harnessing the Intracellular Machinery to Degrade Cellular Proteins

A countless number of proteins including growth factors receptors and cytokines play a pivotal role during the onset and exacerbation of numerous human diseases including cancer autoimmune and inflammatory disorders Of these proteins extracellular and membraneassociated proteins represent around of...

Therapeutic Intervention of Polymeric Nanoparticles Combining Bone Marrow Stem Cells for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimers disease ADis a neurological disorder that is responsible for brain atrophy and neuronal degeneration resulting in a decline in thinking ability and behaviour The progressive neurodegeneration leads to memory loss or dementia which makes it difficult to carry out daytoday tasks and it also...

Role of QSAR in filling in the gaps of CoVID-19 Therapeutics

Since initial reports from Wuhan China in December and the subsequent declaration of a global pandemic by the WHO in March CoVID has precipitated the greatest health crisis in modern history While exposing fundamental weaknesses in healthcare systems across the globe this tragedy has also been an...

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Industry

The global AI in the pharma market expanded to a size of nearly million in The market is anticipated to increase at a rate of from million in to million in Researchers claim that the application of these technologies enhances decisionmaking maximizes creativity increases the effectiveness o...
Thermo Fisher Scientific - mRNA ServicesWorld Orphan Drug Congress 2024World Vaccine Congress Europe 2024Advanced Therapies USA 2024