Pharma Focus Europe

Author Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines for Authors

Pharma executives and professionals read Pharma Focus Europe. So, we anticipate that the articles' primary subject will be pertinent to their needs. The following instructions are meant to assist you in writing the article(s) to satisfy our selection requirements.

Key Selection Criterion for Articles

The article should be interesting, pertinent to the field, and focus on modern or futuristic issues. They ought to be created to educate our readers and provide them with fresh perspectives.

Writing Style Suggestions

• Please note that our in-house style is based on British English

• We recommend the use of active voice and third person narrative. It will be of help if you can avoid the use of first- and second-person pronouns (I, we, you)

• Provide short titles for the article and subheads

• Use simple and uncomplicated language as far as possible

• Please ensure that clarity is maintained throughout the article. Avoid sentences that are ambiguous or circumlocutory

• To make the article easy to comprehend, see that all the supplementary information related to the article is provided in user-friendly formats (e.g. Tables, figures, charts etc.)

• To make the article more interesting and easy to read, important or auxiliary information could be placed separately in sidebars or boxes

• We do not publish references in the print version. Hence, we advise you to minimise the number of in-text references in the article. However, we do publish references in the magazine’s online version (HTML)

• Avoid clichés and jargon to the extent possible. Please provide explanations and definitions for the technical terms used to ensure clarity

Dos and Don’ts

• Article(s) could focus on innovative / cutting-edge technologies and also experiences of the industry’s leading organisations in areas such as best practices etc.

• The articles that differentiate themselves by offering new insights or share experiences with a larger audience will be given priority. To provide learning value to our readership, articles based on the original research, innovation and/or any new aspect of the industry will be preferred

• Articles should be free from copyright infringements and plagiarism. Authors will need to acknowledge all the relevant sources on which their article is based

• Please provide proper acknowledgements for data, images and tables taken from other relevant sources with permissions wherever applicable

• All articles undergo a multi-stage review process during which, the author(s) will be informed whether the article has been accepted, rejected or needs revision. The editorial team could suggest improvements to the article on a case-by-case basis

• The articles written to promote the products or services of the author’s company (unless they represent a breakthrough / innovation in the industry) are considered for publication as advertorials and attract relevant tariff.

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