Pharma Focus Europe

BioNTech's $150M Investment Propels Rwanda toward mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing Hub


BioNTech SE reaches a significant milestone with the inauguration of its mRNA vaccine manufacturing site in Kigali, Rwanda.


The site includes the establishment of the first manufacturing unit called BioNTainer.

This initiative is part of BioNTech's broader efforts to contribute to a sustainable and resilient African vaccine ecosystem and promote equitable access to novel medicines globally.

The overall site covers approximately 35,000 square meters and is expected to have about 100 employees once fully operational.

The facility utilizes BioNTech's high-tech, digitally enabled modular manufacturing units known as BioNTainers.

These BioNTainers are designed to manufacture a variety of mRNA-based vaccines and will be regularly updated to maintain their status as one of the most sophisticated mRNA manufacturing facilities globally.

By 2024, BioNTech plans to complete additional buildings on the site, including a warehouse, offices, and laboratories for quality control.

The company anticipates initiating the manufacturing of mRNA-based vaccine batches required for process validation in 2025 after local personnel undergo specialized training in 2024.


Name    BioNTech

Type:    Construction

Year:      2025

Thermo Fisher Scientific - mRNA ServicesWorld Orphan Drug Congress 2024World Vaccine Congress Europe 2024Advanced Therapies USA 2024